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Baby Car Seats

19 items

Mothercare Sport Car Seat Geo Teal


â‚ą 19,999.00

Mothercare Sport Car Seat Geo Red


â‚ą 19,999.00

Mothercare Sport Isofix Car Seat Charcoal Grey


â‚ą 24,299.00 â‚ą 26,999.00 10% Off

Joie Gemm Baby Car Seat Pebble


â‚ą 11,999.00

Mothercare Ziba Baby Car Seat Black & Grey


â‚ą 16,199.00 â‚ą 17,999.00 10% Off

Mothercare Ziba Baby Car Seat Grey & Red


â‚ą 9,899.00 â‚ą 10,999.00 10% Off

Mothercare Madrid Baby Car Seat Black & Grey


â‚ą 13,499.00 â‚ą 14,999.00 10% Off

Mothercare Madrid Baby Car Seat Grey & Red


â‚ą 13,499.00 â‚ą 14,999.00 10% Off

R For Rabbit Picaboo Infant Car Seat Grey

R For Rabbit

â‚ą 4,797.00

R For Rabbit Picaboo Baby Car Seat Rainbow

R For Rabbit

â‚ą 4,797.00

Mothercare Amble Car Seat Adaptors Black


â‚ą 1,199.00

Keep your baby safe with baby car seats

When it comes to travel equipment for your child, a baby car seat is an absolute must because it ensures maximum protection and comfort for your child, no matter where you take them. Many parents also choose to keep multi-position carriers in their cars in case they ever need to hold their baby while being hands-free. Mothercare offers an expansive range of both, booster car seats and carriers to suit parents from all walks of life.

Each item in our catalogue is created with your baby’s comfort in mind. We sell kids car seats at a variety of price points in a variety of styles and designs, so you can choose one that suits your needs best. So, get on the Mothercare website and pick up an infant car seat now to secure your baby’s journeys.

Child car seat for maximum protection

There is no doubt that all parents would drive with utmost caution while their baby is in the car. But sometimes there might be inexplicable reasons that you need to slam the brakes or take a sharp turn, which can send your baby flying if they aren’t secured in a baby car seat. Without the security of a child car seat, your baby can sustain major injuries. So make sure that the booster seat that you get keeps your little one safe and secure in the car.

A car seat with good padding and plenty of straps can keep your baby comfortable and shielded from any unexpected bumps and jerks. It is a handy tool to have because it is also a good place for your baby to take a nap. In fact, you can just take the entire car seat out at your destination instead of waking the baby up and picking him out of the car seat! For example, most toddlers dislike the doctor, but parents might find it easier to take them in a secure baby car seat instead of carrying them in their arms.

Multipurpose car booster

While there is no shortage of dedicated car seats on the market, many parents prefer to buy a baby carrier like a pram or pushchair that can also be used as a car seat. Mothercare offers an incredible range of multipurpose products like this to save you some money and some extra clutter at your home.

Some multipurpose child car seats also have additional pockets for you to store any extra baby supplies like a Diaper bag or food. This is a great option for parents that are on the go and need supplies for their baby at any time.

How to buy a car seat?

When buying a booster seat for your baby, there are a variety of factors to keep in mind. Start with scoping out your car and measuring the area where you want to put your car seat. This will help you narrow down choices and get a car seat that truly fits the bill. You also want to consider the structure of your car seat and whether it will actually keep your child from jostling around in the car. Look for a 5-point harness, side-impact protection and even compatibility with your car. You should easily be able to attach and detach your car seat, so choose one that is easy to use.

It is also important to remember that babies can be messy, so your car booster seat needs to be something that you can clean easily. Choose a smoother fabric instead of something more textured so that you can easily clean up any messes.